
Wild Rye (2)

Elymus canadensis

Canada Wild Rye
Elymus canadensis

Family: Grass (Poaceae)
AKA: Canada Ryegrass
Photo taken on: July 27, 2012
Location: Abiquiu, NM
Life Zones: Plains and foothills
Habitat: Dry open areas

Grows to 5ft tall with arching stems. The flowers are attached to the main stem and have 1" long bristles. At maturity the seed head is bent and nodding.

Elymus canadensis

Leymus cinereus

Basin Wild Rye
Leymus cinereus

Family: Grass (Poaceae)
AKA: Canada Ryegrass
Photo taken on: July 27, 2012
Location: Abiquiu, NM
Life Zones: Plains and foothills
Habitat: Streams, sagebrush, roadsides, gravelly areas

Grows over 6 feet tall in a thick, dense clump of wide bright green leaves. The flower head is a cylindrical spike 4" to 11" long with closely packed spikelets.

Grasses, Sedges & Rushes